Hello There
However you came upon my site, I am so thankful you are here. I would love for you to read about the who, what, and why behind Courageous Commitments.
My name is Milli Collum. I am a horse loving, whole hearted living, many hat-wearing wife, mom, and stepmom.
I became a life and relationship coach because I personally experienced how coaching can change people's lives. I have been through the challenges of life itself, an unhealthy marriage, divorce, remarrying, step parenting and I now can celebrate the beauty from my ashes.
I am passionate about helping people discover how they can live their lives full of love, purpose and passion, even in the midst of life or relationships being HARD!
My personal story is full hurts, judgments, betrayal, infidelity, divorce, failures and fear. Life experiences and a divorce left me believing that I was inferior, incapable, flawed, unworthy and unlovable.
How did I overcome those negative perceptions of myself? I invested in myself and used a life coach to help me move past my own limiting beliefs about myself and my circumstances! Coaching helped me move forward not only in my personal life, but it also spilled over into my professional and spiritual life. I was able to love again and step into a second marriage. I became a better mom and stepmom. I found passion and purpose in my professional life. I learned how to love and trust people again.